Sunday, April 30, 2017

Field Journal and diary thing

Date: Friday April 14th 2017
Author: Samuel Geer
Location: my backyard
Time: 20:00:00
So, it's kind of dark, I don't know if it's really 8:00 PM I just sorta guessed. not much is going on, I can't see the stars because of the streetlights. Got some cars on the street on the far side of the neighbors yard got some bugs off chirping somewhere. don't really care… i'm looking for the cats that live under our other neighbors little deck thing, not seeing them so far though. the grounds kinds mushy, except for the part with the half buried path, that's made of fractured cement. la de da. oh look a tree, how amazing! this is the entire point of cameras. I can't write fast enough to record even the relatively small amount of things I am seeing. I don't even consider this nature. It's just like one hundred square feet of land with about a third grass a third dirt and a third concrete. I mean i'm like 40 feet away from a parking lot, well that's enough of that, i'm heading back inside.

Date: Sunday April 16th 2017
Author: Samuel Geer
Location: my backyard again
Time: 12:00:00
OK, so I’m sitting out in my back yard doing nothing… yeah! I’m so happy... there's some birds somewhere tweeting about building a wall. Bum bum tish! HAH! get it?! yep, i'm changing my major to professional funny man. So there's a really lovely Breeze blowing here,  it feels absolutely wonderful! oh good, bees. I really hate bees, not just because they sting and it hurts but because I react to their venom. well, to be honest i don't know if I react to bee stings but I most certainly react to wasp and hornet stings. so I feel I have a pretty good reason to dislike little buzzing insects. Wow,  the wind is nuts… I’m not good at guessing wind speed and stuff but I would wager it's blowing at about 25 mph, maybe more. its funny,  there was more traffic the last time I did this. of course the parking lot is much more full at the moment. there's a couple of people walking on the sidewalk near the front of the house and a lady crossing the street to get to school down the way. freaking bees everywhere! just go away, I hate your stupid buzzing noises I hate your stingers, I hate you! don't make me get the shotgun! well… I don't have a shotgun… but I could probably make a blunderbuss, it's just a tube, the igniting mechanism is the hard part. Meh, i'm too lazy to bother. I would probably just go get some raid… Maybe a raid filled shotgun… ok i'm done, just gotta do the other thing now.

Diary like thing

Dear Diary, I love chad. Wait no that's wrong, um… I don't know what on earth i'm supposed to write here so i'm just gonna write stuff. The simple fact is, I hate nature. like a lot. nature is hot, wet, buggy, smelly, messy, gooey, icky, crawly, blea!!! this perspective is rather amusing considering though i lived on a small farm most of my younger life. I however would like to make the distinction that i “lived” on a small farm, not “enjoyed living” on a small farm. As i mentioned in one of the “field journals” I am allergic to to the venom of wasps and bees or whatever. and no it is not an allergy like i get a stuffy nose or something, it's an allergy like unless I get to a hospital in about one hour (or two if i use an epipen) my airways will close up and i will die. so yea, its a pretty good reason i guess. unless you like dieing i suppose, or maybe want to commit really slow painful suicide… seriously people there are better ways… just wait like 60 years, it's not that long to wait.

Regardless, I doubt anyone will bother to read this far so I could just write just dumb stuff, but that's all I write anyhow so I doubt it would really make any difference in terms of content. So as much as I dislike “nature”, “nature” (for obvious reasons)  is extremely important to everyone and everything. without plants, moss, trees, fungi and all that stuff, animals (that includes us) could not exist. of course if we as humans “prefect” genetic engineering and perhaps cybernetic engineering. then maybe I wouldn't have to worry about bees because they no longer have stingers due to genetic modification. unfortunately for the time beeing that doesn't seem like an option.

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